"Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time." ~Deborah Chaskin
The ReEnchantment
And it's up to us
To re-enchant this planet Earth�
We are the elves and the giants
We are the shining ones
Daughters of the Moon
And Sons of the Sun�
We are the shapeshifters
We are the mysterious light
Shrouded in mists
At the dawn of our time
And it's up to us to re-enchant
This living planet�
Up to us to midwife
At our own rebirth
Up to us to send our dead
Along their ancient pathways
To the future
Up to us to re-enchant this
Living planet Earth�
It's up to us to break the spell
That steals the colors
From the world
And leaves it lifeless
It was our spell - we can break it�
It's up to us to break the spell
That steals the magic
From the wind and rain
It is our spell - we can break it�
We will dance the magic dance
And our bodies will remember
We will sing the magic songs
And together we'll remember
How to live together
How to love each other
How to ride the eagle
How to call the deer
�Will Ashe Bason
We are delighted that you've chanced upon us; or is it chance?
ReEnchantment. Something precious and beautiful is playing out right in front of your eyes all the time. Accessing this beauty is what reenchantment is all about.
Sometimes we must breakthrough to see and feel the beauty!
Break the Spell + Empower + Inspire + Together = Reenchant the Planet
Joy + love + life + colors are there for all.
Together let's go! In the boxes below we are sharing reenchanting stories that we find, stories you send, snippets from our internet show and actions to ReEnchant the Planet.
Break the Spell (patience please, 1 min delay before video begins!)
Meet four people who are on board the ship, Ra, navigating the 6,600 miles of America's Great Loop waterway system. The four hearty sailors are in a 48 square foot, solar-powered boat with the goal of qualifying for a Guinness world record. Listen and feel their passion and energy from the live Breaking Free Show which aired Monday, July 17th. Watch the show in its entirety here and root them on!
A show that educates, inspires, and fosters a climate of independence and freedom
for all.
Watch Now!
The Breaking Free Show TM
Mondays, 1:00-2:00pm/EST
Meet our guests each week that are fascinating people living their best and fullest life. Some are experts in their fields others are everyday people doing extraordinary things.
March 21st - Tanya Patxot
Archived shows available
Go to nissancommunications.com.
Click �Channels� then
"Breaking Free" for details.
Malala's Birthday Wish
It is customary to make a wish on one's birthday. On her sixteenth birthday, nine months after being shot in the head in an assassination attempt by a Taliban gunman in northwest Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai addressed the United Nations Youth Assembly in New York with a wish for universal equality, universal opportunity, and universal education. Watch Malala speak to the UN in New York!
A Story For People Who Want To Change the World
Like most of us I am a passionate change agent. After all, who would spend a third of their life accumulating all that knowledge and skill if not for the hope of making a difference? So it is surprising how long it has taken me to recognize the power of a simple story to make change.
Read Rachel's story here.
Teens Deliver 33,000 Burritos to the Homeless
In a world where the younger generation is pulled toward the newest gadgets and accumulating more of them, a father responded to his son's ambitious Christmas wish list with a simple act of service. They made breakfast burritos and drove out to share them with the local homeless people on the street. The seed was planted and has since bloomed into a beautiful transformation for the family and the young man, as well as his friends. Read the story here!
Elaine Newkirk: No TYME Like the Present
Today, a single mother of 5 teenagers— 4 of whom are adopted and 3 of whom are disabled— Elaine spends her days running TYME (Teach Youth, Motivate, and Empower) Ministries, a program dedicated to bringing resources and services to youth, homeless, and populations in need. Read more here...
Encounters on the Exit Ramp
The shoulders were hunched and a nervous, almost painful, rocking on the feet suggested to any passerby that this person had been occupying the space for quite some time, imploring for donations. This could have been another trivial occurrence of the day, another detail soon forgotten, except the person standing there — that was me...
More on this story here...
Cop Sings in Hopes of Breaking Down Barriers
A video of Police Officer Ian Northcott playing the guitar and singing Oasis songs with street performers is going viral, and it's really pretty great. What possessed the cop to do it? He says, "We are always looking for ways to break down barriers between the police and the public and this was one of them."
Read more here....