The Breaking Free Show TM:
June 17th Guest - Becky Curran
I was born in Boston, Massachusetts. I earned my degree at Providence College in Rhode Island and moved to Los Angeles the summer after. I spent six and a half years working in the entertainment industry, before moving back to the east coast in order for me to live closer to my family.
When I was first born, my parents were in shock. I was born an achondroplastic dwarf, which means that I have an “average” height torso but shorter arms and legs. I stand 4 feet tall. Both of my parents and older sister are “average” height. My parents always taught me to stay positive no matter how harsh the outside world may be. I grew up participating in sports such as sailing, skiing, soccer, and swimming, just like everyone else my age. Every day, for 29 years, my family has empowered me and I’ve empowered them by proving that I’m capable of anything.
As a little person, I’ve adapted to living in an “average” height world every day. Since there are only 30,000 little people living in the United States, whether I’m driving in my car, with pedal extensions, or walking down the street, there’s always someone who’s going to be curious in my presence. I’m passionate about finding a way to change how little people and all people with disabilities are perceived in the media, since the media ultimately influences the opinions of society as a whole. People with dwarfism are able to do everything average height people can, which includes but isn’t limited to riding bikes, playing sports, driving cars, traveling, along with having fulfilling careers and families. We just may need a stool or simple accommodations. Real disabilities come from attitudes. All of us, even those without any type of legally-accepted or visible disability, can fall prey to self-defeating thinking by focusing on what we can't do and comparing ourselves to others. I strive to educate and motivate all people to establish goals and work hard to accomplish them. “Anything Is Possible!”
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