The ReEnchantment
And it's up to us
To re-enchant this planet Earth
We are the elves and the giants
We are the shining ones
Daughters of the Moon
And Sons of the Sun
We are the shapeshifters
We are the mysterious light
Shrouded in mists
At the dawn of our time
And it's up to us to re-enchant
This living planet
Up to us to midwife
At our own rebirth
Up to us to send our dead
Along their ancient pathways
To the future
Up to us to re-enchant this
Living planet Earth
It's up to us to break the spell
That steals the colors
From the world
And leaves it lifeless
It was our spell - we can break it
It's up to us to break the spell
That steals the magic
From the wind and rain
It is our spell - we can break it
We will dance the magic dance
And our bodies will remember
We will sing the magic songs
And together we'll remember
How to live together
How to love each other
How to ride the eagle
How to call the deer
—Will Ashe Bason
The Breaking Free Show TM:
September 28th - Leon Berg

Can deeply listening to another person lead to a deeper, happier connection? Is it a tool that can help end violence?
Absolutely. You’re invited to join The Breaking Free Show as we welcome guest Leon Berg. Leon will talk with us about his work using the practice of “Council,” a communication process for cultivating active listening and authentic speech.
He has taken it all over the world. We’re going to go deep, so get ready and bring your experiences to the table. Find us at: @ 1 pm/EST.
Tune in here:
Callers welcome: 919/518-9773 or via skype voice: computers2voice
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Callers welcome: 919/518.9773