Innerchange Magazine 
Innerchange magazine is a resource for consciously living, loving, learning and transforming your life at all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It speaks to living a life in purpose and the magnificent changes that you will create on a personal and community level. As of last year, the new complete digital edition of Innerchange is available online. Click through to read and share with others - every page as it appears in print, with hotlinked URLs and email addresses. - email
Kit Luciano Publisher
Innerchange Magazine
Little Mo and Friends. Illustrated stationery and gifts
Before you throw out your paper waste, you could actually turn them into something useful! You can make recycled paper bags out of old magazines, newspaper and brown kraft paper. Since I had a lot of brown paper, discarded from various packaging, I decided to cut them out into paper bags for my upcoming market. Something to put my stationery in when I hand them over to my customers. Like a little treat bag you know.
I made a variety of sizes from small to larger bags. I used sticky tape or glue to gum the edges. Then I took out my rubber stamps and made a sweet print on all of my paper bags. I chose a tree print, because I love nature and recycling and my paper goods are all environmentally friendly too.
You can also use ribbons or sew buttons on to your paper bags! And it doesn’t matter if your paper bags are creased or dirty. They are handmade and recycled after all and those effects make them even more charming!
We are an eco-friendly shop that design and sell a range of environmentally friendly stationery goods. Because of our love for nature, we love making art that is still kind to the environment.